Monday, July 11, 2011


So this is me at eighteen.
This is me at thirty-two.
Yikes! Pictures of my changing self. Here is a visual of my transformation. Scary..huh? For me anyway. This is not an easy thing to show I have to say, but I am done hiding. I am ready to break away from my shell I have created. I have accepted that I will never have that eighteen year old body again, BUT... I am determined to be a better, healthier, me. I want to feel beautiful again. I am done loathing myself for what I have let myself become. It is time to love myself, and accept myself. I hope to soon post before and after picks of my new transformation...

1 comment:

  1. All I see is a beautiful woman. But I'm here to support you in your efforts to be ."healthier" and self loving. All my love.

