Friday, July 15, 2011

Moderation in all Things!

The past couple of days I have managed to stick to my weight loss goals! I am feeling so good about this. Writing all of this down, and sharing my experience has been so helpful. I think that writing a journal about my daily events has made everything real. I am forced to really think about my decisions a lot more. It puts it out there and I am not able to rationalize this away. Now keep in mind that I always do very good at first as I am sure you all can relate. It is the events that come up is what through me back into my bad habits. So the real test for me is how will I handle the situation when it comes. I have every good intention of keeping to my goals. We shall see, but I am going to stay dedicated and positive. I am pumping myself with good thinking. Like last night, we have been moving, so we had no dishes, etc.. We ate pizza and I ate way too much... BUT, I did not beat myself up whatsoever. Now I know I can't afford to do this all the time. Instead of feeling like a failure, I gave myself props for sticking to my guns all day long. I had one naughty meal, and it is right back to being good the next meal. No feeling bad, no beating myself up, and continuing with my goals. While I was thinking about my pizza blunder I decided that I will make a new goal. The next time I eat something naughty I will make it a point to not overeat. Just have a small portion of the naughty tempter. Enjoy it, then stop!  I think the reason I end up over eating is because I am constantly trying to lose weight, and I start thinking I am never gonna have or do this again so I better enjoy and eat to my heart's content. In the words of my cute little niece...."Bad, bad, bad!" She shakes her cute little finger as she says this. If I do eat something I shouldn't I am not gonna do a "Bad, bad, bad", I am gonna remind myself that if I am breaking I am going to NOT overeat, just have a little of the treat. I will tell myself that I am entitled to a LITTLE bit. I have tried both staying completely away from all bad foods never allowing myself to cheat, and eating bad foods here and there while overeating them. So I am gonna try being very good as much as possible with a few exceptions, but only allowing myself small portions of the food I am indulging in. I am going to teach myself discipline. Just because I can doesn't mean I should. Just because I am cheating (here and there) doesn't mean I can go crazy when I do. Wait for the next time to enjoy my treat. Moderation in all things! :)

1 comment:

  1. moderation is a hard thing for me too! but i have to share what i learned about pizza, you had papa murphys which is yum but if you get the delight crust its really yum and a lot more healthy, thats the only way we have pizza now :)
