Sunday, July 10, 2011

Finding the Strength

Today I am starting over again... For quite some time now I have struggled with my weight going up and down on the scale. I can't tell you how many times I have lost 30 lbs. only to gain it back. College was really when my weight started going up and down. I had endometriosis and had to take birth control pills. Ugh, can you imagine being crazed and then starting birth control... Plus, I was a Theater Major and was either in a play or helping with one. Rehearsals would go into the late night hours. The theater gang then went to dinner in the wee hours of the early morning. I was a poor college student and did not have the time nor the money to prepare a good meal. I lived off of fast food and Ramen. Not the greatest diet, I admit. You would think I would have been starving, but somehow with my lifestyle and eating habits the weight crept on. I would go home for the summer and my Mom and I would eat healthy and exercise. So I would drop off quite a bit of weight. When I got married I was overweight, but I thought I felt and looked pretty good. Well I got pregnant right away, and I thought whatever I gained would be "Pregnancy Weight". Ha ha ha! I gained a whopping 64 lbs. I ended up having an 11 pound baby... Wow! I know! I had a way was he coming out any other way. I managed to lose over 50 lbs. in two weeks after having my first baby. I carried a lot of water apparently. Slowly though the weight crept on again. By the time I had my second child I managed to only gain 30 lbs., and quickly lost the baby weight as well. I still kinda went up and down till my baby was one years old. I then had the misfortune of having to get my gallbladder out. To make a long story short: The doctor had cut a bile duct and we were not aware of this till one week after surgery. I ended up in the E.R. in the most horrific pain of my life. They did emergency surgery and discovered the bile. I had many complications and another emergency surgery. This left me very scarred physically and mentally, and ended up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I had multiple health problems after this. I later found out that I had developed Interstitial Cystitis (a bladder problem). I developed Ulcerative Colitis, and they found a hiatal hernia. I found out that my kidney's had begun to calcify. I had terrible chronic pain in my upper abdomen. I developed wicked anxiety and depression. I had spine and neck problems due to my many surgeries. Last but not least, I found out that my uterus was in extremely bad shape, and needed to come out immediately. So no more children. This was devastating for me. I love kids and am very grateful for the two adorable sweet boys I was able to have, but my heart ached though for the children I would not have. Before I had my second baby I had three miscarriages. I had to have a surgery with one of the miscarriages. This was very hard on my husband and me. So finding out that I had to have a hysterectomy was difficult to say the least. All of this went on over the space of four years with me being bedridden for most of it. How could I even absorb all that was happening to me, much less try and have a normal life. I am very close to developing Diabetes type 2 now so I cannot afford to have any more health problems if I can help it. So here I am at 32 years old realizing that I no longer recognize myself in the mirror. I look through my blue eyes and see traces of the old me left behind under way too much stress, and a very different body. I have slowly started to be able to become active again. I am hoping that I can loose the weight that I need to so that I can help my health where I can. So much I cannot control, but I need so much to get control of my weight so I do not develop any more problems. I do not tell my story to gain sympathy, but to gain knowledge and power over my difficulties. Only hoping that I can gain strength in numbers. Also that I may reach out to others who struggle and help them in their heartaches. So here I go with this goal, hoping that blogging this helps me. I am ready to find myself again.


  1. Britney! Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story. My heart aches for you and you had me crying with your emergency hysterectomy story. You are so amazing and have already gone through so much and your love of live is infectious!
    Focus on LIVE foods. Try to ditch all the processed garbage. The more "alive" foods you eat the better! Take it one day at a time...or if that gets to overwhelming...take it 5 minutes at a time!
    I recently discovered this blog and she is AMAZING! Check it out! She is truly inspirational and she shares all of her knowledge!! It's my new favorite motivational blog!! GL hunny!! I'm rootin' for ya!!! xoxo

  2. Britney, you have been through so much. I didn't know, but I am thankful you were willing to put yourself out there and post this. I struggle to keep weight off as well. I know how it feels to look in the mirror and wonder where you went, and the journey back to yourself again won't always be easy (I don't think I'm all me just yet). It's a journey worth taking, though. You can do this. I believe in you. :)
