Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oogling the Goods!

So today my emotions are brimming and spilling all over the place. I have had so many experiences with the Medical Profession and MOST have not been pleasant ones! Today I had one of those wonderful experiences happen yet again! I could write a book on all that I have had to go through and how I feel the Profession has failed me. I will tell you of some of my sad, humorous, enjoyable, disappointing, and frustrating stories another day. Today my tale will be that of an experience I had just after having Caden, my first. I must say it is one of the more disturbing ones. It was when I had male med student or he could have been a student nurse. Which causes further confusion to this tale of why he needed to perform a breast exam on a mother who had just given birth? So he "cops a feel" of my ladyness up top. Saying that he "needed to give a breast exam to make sure that all is well". He said he needed to do this because he was a student and needed the experience of giving a breast exam. HA! Can you even believe this? Is this real life? Why did I let him? Well I was confused, naive, I was so doped up on drugs, labored for 14 hours and then had a C-Section, had just had a baby, and was exhausted! Why in the world would he need to give me an exam right after I had a baby??? Have any of you had this happen to you after giving birth? Um, all I have to say to that is he totally scammed on me and squeezed the juice! Creep! I made Mike stay with me till I knew he was off the shift. So there I was a new Mommie and enjoying the wonder of it all, and I get felt up by some pervert med student! "Special", huh?! I can laugh about this one now, but I was seriously peeved to say the least. He gave me the Hibbie Jibbies....ewblech! I will say this though, no one will be "squeezing the juice" unless I am there for a Breast Exam, by a professional, not a med student! Lesson learned! He probably went home and thought to himself...score! I am sorry to say that he is still out there somewhere ladies, so wear protective armor. If you think this is a good one, I have a million more goodies to share, so tune in... :)
"Evil Dr. Cop a Feel"

1 comment:

  1. That one did make me laugh, and no I have never had to have a "breast exam" after just having had a child, he really was Evil Dr. Cop A Feel, too funny.
