Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So this is me with a friend at a get together. I had spent so much time picking out the perfect stylish outfit, trendy jewelry, the right shoes, all the right little things together so I could look perfect for the evening. My hair was cut, colored, and styled just for the occasion. Some of the people at the party I had not seen in over 9 years. I know that I had put on weight and I was self-conscious about it, but I thought I looked pretty good. Well we took pictures and after the party I  looked through the pictures and cried. I did not look even slightly how I had imagined myself. How is it one day I can look in the mirror and feel that I look pretty decent and other times I look in the mirror or a picture and feel I look horrible. I realize I am overweight I am not in denial about this, but sometimes in my head, I think I see myself in the way I used to look. Then when presented with a picture, a mirror, or reflection I am reminded of what I have become. Other times I feel so bad at how I look that I see myself double or triple what I am. I am so tired of these mind tricks. I can tell that I have a pretty face and I really love my eyes, but they get lost in the fat on my face. I want my features to be what people notice, not the fat and then the possibility of beautiful features if I could just lose some weight. I want to know what I would look like with a tight trim and toned little body, with a pretty face and hair to match. I remember what I used to look like when I was younger, but then I was too self-conscious to notice how beautiful I really was. Now I have the realization, but not the figure to match. Now though I have grown up and have matured physically, and I bet I would look all that much nicer, if only I could lose the weight. I want to do this before I get older and it is too hard to keep the weight off, and the wrinkles set in. No matter how much I want this I just can't seem to get this. The past week has been hard to keep my goal to lose weight and become a more healthier me. I really want this, so I continue to try. Making and setting the goal to remain positive and steadfast. I must continue on.... Definitely in need of some encouragement.....   


  1. Hang in there. Just live in the "now". What happened 5 minutes ago is gone. What will happen in 5 minutes doesn't exist yet. Each time your faced with a choice you have the opportunity to make the best choice. It doesn't matter what choice you made last time or what choice you think you will make next time. The only thing that matters is what choice you make right now.

  2. Britney,

    Know that you are not alone in this fight. We share so many of the same feelings. Keep up the good fight. Hopefully you will succeed where I have not yet. Hopefully, I too, will succeed.

  3. (((((((((HUGS)))))))))

    Sending you all the LOVE and good thoughts I can muster up!!! Hang in there honey! Just keep making healthy choices. Change takes time...but it will happen! ♥ you!
