Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Busting a Gut!

Have you ever laughed so hard that your cheeks and abs hurt? That you have tears streaming down your cheeks?! I love laughing. It is truly the medicine to all sadness and stress. I don't know how people can go through life without surrounding themselves around wonderful friends and family who help to make you laugh and laugh. I have truly been blessed to have these kind of people in my life. Laughing is one of my favorite things to do with them. If ever I am stressed or sad, I surround myself with these people and we laugh until it hurts. This I have found is not only a mild workout, but a wonderful mood booster. As someone who suffers from depression, I have learned that if I can just laugh, it makes everything better for a time. My husband is hilarious! He has a delightful personality and usually in the evenings as we are laying in bed talking, we make each other laugh so hard that our bed jiggles lightly with our laughter! My kids are joy bringers as well. Kids truly say the darnedest things don't they? I have endless memories of the funny things my kids have done and said. I also have the most amazing family and friends. I enjoy nothing more in life than being with them. Spending time together laughing and just plain enjoying being around each other. These people in my life have so magically made my life wonderful. I am so grateful to have a great sense of humor! Both of my parents are funny and delightful teasers. My siblings and I will never forget the jokes my Dad pulled on us on April Fools Day. One April Fools joke my Dad pulled was the ever so tricky sending us to go clean our rooms. As we would drag ourselves begrudgingly towards our bedrooms, the door was slightly opened, we would shove our door open with great force. To our surprise, a cup of water would fall off from the top of the door splashing us with water as it fell to the ground getting us good and wet!! I love this memory and still brings a smile to my face. My Dad is quite the prankster and I love him for it. I am grateful for the great sense of humor both my parents have and that they passed it down to us kids. As it was said in one of my favorite old movies "Mary Poppins", "I love to laugh"! I love that scene where they laugh so hard they float to the ceiling. I always wished that I could do that when I laughed. As I have gotten older though I have realized that laughing like that, you really do feel as if you are floating! If only the world could have more laughter echoing through it with vibrating joy. Let's make it a goal to laugh more....