Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Hard Days

Why is it that every time I start to lose weight and right before I weigh-in, I sabotage my results? I have a weigh-in tomorrow and I gave into banana cream pie! I know that I have been doing so good this week and passing up other things so on the very evening before, I give in? There has to be some kind of explanation for this mystery because I do it all the time. I am okay about giving in sometimes, but I can't figure out why I end up sabotaging myself? I do this for other things like when I am going to be seeing family or friends that I haven't seen in a while. Why do I break right before this. I am thinking it might be something psychological. Although I have no clue to what it means. So now I am starting to fit into things I could not previously, and this is very exciting for me. I know that it is crucial for me to lose weight if I am gonna succeed in not developing Diabetes. I have every desire to look and feel better. I want this so much, so why do I give in. I know that it is hard to resist good things, but most of the time this is not a problem. I know that every now and then we all seem to give in. I have been sick for so long you would think I would not want to become sick and that the very thought of it will keep me from cheating. I guess it is one of those things that we think, "It won't happen to me," kind of scenario's. I am determined to be healthy. I have to stay positive. No beating myself up! I can do this. I truly want to help others, and I am not even sure if this is helping anyone but me. I guess helping yourself is good enough. This blog may just be a journal for myself, but I am hoping maybe by putting myself out there that I can really achieve my goals. Writing it down seems to really be making a difference. If I am making a difference in just one person it makes it worth it. I do hope that the things that I share, my personal experiences, can help someone. Even if that someone is me... :)   


  1. You are not alone. I give in way too much. I know exactly how you feel, but I don't really have any answers. I'm sorry. Sometimes I wonder if I think I don't deserve to be skinny or something, but that doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps there is more beneath the surface than we realize. Thanks for sharing your story. It is helping me realize that I am not alone. :)

  2. I do the same thing too sometimes. I don't have an explanation. If you figure it out, you could have a class, charge people for it, and make a fortune! Hahaha (that is supposed to be an evil laugh). Sometimes I think I give in because I am tired. I am good for a while and then want to splurge, but then it is easy to make splurging a habit.

    With running races, I have noticed some people do great during the race. It is tough, but they are doing it. Once the end is in sight, they cramp up or have a hard time. When you are so close to the end, sometimes the last block is the hardest part of the race. Maybe your eating is similar. But maybe not!

  3. Britney,

    I agree that laughter is the best medicine, and you are the queen of laughter! I also believe that what we think about comes about, so I think that instead of saying things like, "I am fat, or I am not able to do this, or I am having a hard time." INSTEAD say every time you walk past a mirror, "Dang, I AM skinny!" Or throughout the day say to yourself, "I AM a health Goddess. I AM abundance of energy - enough to accomplish my goals." You get the idea. . .

    Remember when Christ said, "I am, that I am." He was a creator. And every time we say I AM we create our lives, as well. So if we keep positive, positive things come about!! I know it sounds too easy, but it honestly works.

    Sometimes I will write down a list of things that I want to have happen, and I'll write them as if they already are real, placing I AM at the beginning of each statement. Then the last thing I do before I climb into bed I will read this list out loud, then those thoughts are repeated over and over again, all night long. I am creating benefits while I sleep. Gotta love that!

    Or I'll write this same list down and put it in a clear page saver sheet, and stick it to the shower wall, so I am accomplishing double-duty, while I get ready for the day. The fact that this sounds too easy is also a good thing, because it is a simple shift that anyone can do.

    Britney, I know you want to accomplish this goal. However, Satan also has this knowledge, and he wants to sabotage your efforts because he's jealous that you have a body! But that is one of the reasons why YOU ARE STRONGER THAN HE IS! So when you are feeling weak, know where those thoughts are coming from. They are not YOU. They are thoughts from him, trying to make you believe you are weak. So just laugh in his face, and say I AM STRONG! You can do this, my dear. You can!! I believe in you . . . So, go get 'em girl!!

    I love yer guts,

  4. I totally relate!! It seems every time I decide to do better with my eating habits I sabotage myself even before I get started. Although I did do this challenge for a month where I had no treats every night i would email my friend on how i was doing. We even planed a 5k for the end of the month. It helped to have someone to report to, because if i didn't there would be no way i could have done it. It helped me have a lot more self control after that. Anyways, I also have found if you don't look at the end result of what you are trying to do but at the everyday tasks, it doesn't seem so difficult. Take one of day at a time and if you don't do it today do better tomorrow.
