Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tyger Whimsy-Photo Candy

Americana Theme

Peace Out

Sail Away


School Daze

Puff Puff Toot Toot

Princess for a Day

Polka Dot Pansy
I made these cute frames and they are way easy to make. All you do is take a wooden frame and modge podge on some scrapbook paper. I take wood cutouts and letters that I painted and added embellishments to, and then use wood glue to glue on the add-ons. Then you have yourself a cute personal frame! Super easy and super fun!



Here is a link to a blog of a wonderful friend of mine who's someone trying to make a difference. What a profound example of charity she exudes. She is amazing and is really helping to bring people's attention to a good cause. Take a little time to read her story. It is beautiful.

Making a Difference

So many times in my life I have really wondered what more I could do to bring others love, laughter, and service. I am someone who always wants to help those around me. I love being service oriented. Being a good wife and a good mother is the ultimate priority to me. Giving service to my little family is the most important service I will ever do. I have a lot of health issues that somewhat prevent me from doing the things I desire so much to do. I am limited in those efforts, but I always strive to be better and do more, to push myself in these ways. I always have this longing to reach out to others though. To do more than just be a stay at home mom. A lot of times that is the reason I share such personal experiences with everyone because I feel that in sharing my painful and not so painful experiences is a way to help them, and it is a way for bonding, it is a way to strengthen our relationships. I feel that if it helps them get through their heartaches or whatever it is that they are struggling with, it is worth sharing those experiences. We learn so much from our own experiences and from others experiences as well. I truly believe that if we would just share more of what we have learned, and gone through, good and bad, we would all be better off. We would be more compassionate caring individuals. We need to not be afraid that someone will judge us. It helps to feel that we aren't alone and that someone has an idea of what we are going through. We need to understand that it is okay to let our guard down and show that we aren't without flaws, that we aren't perfect. To not be afraid that we will somehow seem less than we are. Sometimes we worry too much about making sure everyone thinks that we have no problems and that we have it all together, the perfect life. There is no such thing. All of us have our problems and it is okay to be vulnerable. That is the very key to service. It forces us to become selfless, and more loving. Just think of what the world would be like if we all focused more on serving and reaching out to those around us. The world would be a much better place. I believe that one person can make a difference. I want so much to be the kind of person that helps others. I want to make my life more. I want to be more. How does a stay at home mom be more than just that? What can I do to be out there and make a difference?  Right now with my health the way it is there is only so much I can do, so that is why I write my experiences, thoughts, and stories down. I do it in the hopes that I might reach someone out there who needed to hear the very thing I shared. I have learned so much through other people and what they have given me through the sharing of their experiences. I hope that putting myself out there, I will have made a difference in maybe just one person's life. I really believe that serving others makes us better people and that it's beneficial to everyone. Let us take the time each day to help someone. Let's make a goal to make a difference.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Busting a Gut!

Have you ever laughed so hard that your cheeks and abs hurt? That you have tears streaming down your cheeks?! I love laughing. It is truly the medicine to all sadness and stress. I don't know how people can go through life without surrounding themselves around wonderful friends and family who help to make you laugh and laugh. I have truly been blessed to have these kind of people in my life. Laughing is one of my favorite things to do with them. If ever I am stressed or sad, I surround myself with these people and we laugh until it hurts. This I have found is not only a mild workout, but a wonderful mood booster. As someone who suffers from depression, I have learned that if I can just laugh, it makes everything better for a time. My husband is hilarious! He has a delightful personality and usually in the evenings as we are laying in bed talking, we make each other laugh so hard that our bed jiggles lightly with our laughter! My kids are joy bringers as well. Kids truly say the darnedest things don't they? I have endless memories of the funny things my kids have done and said. I also have the most amazing family and friends. I enjoy nothing more in life than being with them. Spending time together laughing and just plain enjoying being around each other. These people in my life have so magically made my life wonderful. I am so grateful to have a great sense of humor! Both of my parents are funny and delightful teasers. My siblings and I will never forget the jokes my Dad pulled on us on April Fools Day. One April Fools joke my Dad pulled was the ever so tricky sending us to go clean our rooms. As we would drag ourselves begrudgingly towards our bedrooms, the door was slightly opened, we would shove our door open with great force. To our surprise, a cup of water would fall off from the top of the door splashing us with water as it fell to the ground getting us good and wet!! I love this memory and still brings a smile to my face. My Dad is quite the prankster and I love him for it. I am grateful for the great sense of humor both my parents have and that they passed it down to us kids. As it was said in one of my favorite old movies "Mary Poppins", "I love to laugh"! I love that scene where they laugh so hard they float to the ceiling. I always wished that I could do that when I laughed. As I have gotten older though I have realized that laughing like that, you really do feel as if you are floating! If only the world could have more laughter echoing through it with vibrating joy. Let's make it a goal to laugh more.... 

Faded with Tears

So many tears I have shed. So many times I have tried to become colorful again. When you are taken by illness, it changes you. You lose some of yourself. Your color. You try to become what you once were. You shed tear after tear, trying to get that color back. If you could only be what you were. So you try to  overcome. To recapture your beauty. Then you realize that you can't be the same. You will never be that again. You have changed. You have grown into something else. You are refining yourself. You are for a time, an unfinished color. You realize that the trials you face are the very thing that is giving color to your beauty. I see myself as this rose waiting to finish blossoming and becoming a vibrant color once more. Never to be what you were, but in the end a more beautiful version of yourself. Vibrant as ever. Never to be covered in tears again.
By Britney Tyger

Monday, September 19, 2011

Loving Life

I so love getting to spend time with my little family. It is so wonderful taking the kids on outings. We got to go to Lagoon (for those of you who don't know, it is an amusement park), the kids had such a blast. I get so much enjoyment out of watching them ride the rides. Especially because the rides are so much harder on me than they used to be. That is another sad thing about aging. You just can't do the things you used to. I am such a roller-coaster person, and for sure a thrill seeker although the older I get the less thrills I'm able to handle. Such a sad thing.... :(  What can ya do? We had some other members of the Tyger fam join us, and this was so much fun. I always think the more the merrier! My kids are such trooper's they really rode pretty much everything they could. I am surprised at some of the rides they chose to ride. It is really fun getting to ride the rides with my hubby too. We have such a great time together. We are always making each other laugh. I have come to realize how great it is to be able to have humor in life, especially when life gets tough. Just keep laughing no matter how much you are struggling, and even if you aren't struggling! Laugh, laugh, laugh!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oogling the Goods!

So today my emotions are brimming and spilling all over the place. I have had so many experiences with the Medical Profession and MOST have not been pleasant ones! Today I had one of those wonderful experiences happen yet again! I could write a book on all that I have had to go through and how I feel the Profession has failed me. I will tell you of some of my sad, humorous, enjoyable, disappointing, and frustrating stories another day. Today my tale will be that of an experience I had just after having Caden, my first. I must say it is one of the more disturbing ones. It was when I had male med student or he could have been a student nurse. Which causes further confusion to this tale of why he needed to perform a breast exam on a mother who had just given birth? So he "cops a feel" of my ladyness up top. Saying that he "needed to give a breast exam to make sure that all is well". He said he needed to do this because he was a student and needed the experience of giving a breast exam. HA! Can you even believe this? Is this real life? Why did I let him? Well I was confused, naive, I was so doped up on drugs, labored for 14 hours and then had a C-Section, had just had a baby, and was exhausted! Why in the world would he need to give me an exam right after I had a baby??? Have any of you had this happen to you after giving birth? Um, all I have to say to that is he totally scammed on me and squeezed the juice! Creep! I made Mike stay with me till I knew he was off the shift. So there I was a new Mommie and enjoying the wonder of it all, and I get felt up by some pervert med student! "Special", huh?! I can laugh about this one now, but I was seriously peeved to say the least. He gave me the Hibbie Jibbies....ewblech! I will say this though, no one will be "squeezing the juice" unless I am there for a Breast Exam, by a professional, not a med student! Lesson learned! He probably went home and thought to himself...score! I am sorry to say that he is still out there somewhere ladies, so wear protective armor. If you think this is a good one, I have a million more goodies to share, so tune in... :)
"Evil Dr. Cop a Feel"