Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Do I Let Go?

How come it is so difficult to see something that is right in front of your face? So often I find myself not being able to see the solution to my problem that is right there and has been there right before me. I am sure that there are others' out there that could tell me what I need to do, and that it is easy for them to see what I need to do. When it is your problem that you are trying to solve it is much more difficult to see what you need to do. It is all that much harder to actually do the actions that are necessary, and do I have the courage to face them? I have been struggling with my health for the past five years. I have searched over and over with no solution to fix what happened to me. I have been from Doctor to Doctor. Ever since my accident I have been lost in emotional and physical pain. The accident was the match that started many of the health(fires) I have endured. I have been in therapy ever since. I have become my own advocate, researching all I can on how to help myself. It has at times made me more paranoid, but in so many ways it has helped me move forward. Gaining all the pieces to my puzzle. Yet I still continue to struggle moving forward. I have gone through all the steps of the healing process, with the acceptance phase being the last step, and that is where I am right now. I believe that I still have a way to go, but I will get there. I try with all my might to release the emotions that are locked up inside of me. I am not sure why this is so difficult? It has been a very hard and long road. I have much that I need to let go of, but everything reminds me of the trauma I suffered. Smells, sounds, nightmares, flashbacks, all kinds of things affect me. How does one move forward when every illness, when everything reminds you of the suffering? It takes you back and suffocates you constantly? How do I give it to the Lord? I know that these things take time and patience. I don't expect it to go away over night. I know that I will never be the same. I know that I will always have this experience and pain with me, but I want to get to a place where I have only the scar that remains. A reminder, but only that. I am not sure that when one suffers a horrible traumatic event, they ever really get over it. I do believe that they can learn how to cope with it though. That healing and coping comes from the Lord. We have to understand that that is the very reason why Christ suffered what he suffered. He did it so that he would understand us, so that he knew what we were going through. So we wouldn't have to suffer like him. I know all of these things with depth of my heart. It is quite another thing though to put it into practice. I pray with all my heart that I can become what it is the Lord is trying to mold me into. It is my prayer that we all can be like Christ, and to reach our true potential. That we will turn to him in our darkest hour. That we can turn to him and not make our trials harder on ourselves. I know that trials are necessary to make us better individuals, and without the Lord we cannot possibly get through them. I hope that I can continue learning how to give this trial I am going through to my Savior. That I can gain the insight that I need, and let this trial enhance instead of hurt me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's Erin 'Ashmore' Koyle....My mom actually came across your blog and gave it to me so I read it here and there when I get a chance. First off, I know you will be able to get through this. I have been through some trying time and it took years to get through it, but it can be done. One thing that sticks out to me that you talked about and might help is research. You mentioned you did a lot of research to help with your physical healing, but have you done research to help with your spiritual healing? We have been taught to turn to the Lord and it's easy to know that, but to know how to is different. I know through prayer, fasting, reading our scriptures and Priesthood blessings we can also find answers. Through prayerful study on how to heal spiritually we will gain greater knowledge and be able to overcome it. You are a strong woman and have a wonderful family who cares and supports you. I am praying for you and know the Lord will help and bless you. :)
